No one is saying student experience should be boring. However, letting parties in student accommodation blocks get out of hand is not only irresponsible, but can also jeopardise the safety of others. Knowing when to step in, and when to keep a discreet distance can only come from experience. Our role within an Over 18 Student Accommodation Site is to ensure those staying in residence feel safe, secure, and happy in their environment. Developed security training, combined with important parts of the Education Act, re-enforces the security and safety of your site.
Too many times we have witnessed security company’s placing staff within a student residence who are totally unsuited for the role. Although the training provided by the Home Office to be able to work in security is laudable, pastoral care should not be ignored. Whether a 19-year-old student is coming from Istanbul or Manchester, being their first time away from home can be daunting. Being aware of this allows our staff to support your clients in safeguarding their students, whilst reassuring parents their child is being looked after.
This is achieved through the provision of a regular team, fully versed in the operating procedures of the accommodation. Familiarity means our staff get to know who the students onsite are, adding to the friendly atmosphere we are all trying to achieve.
Still not sure how we can help you? Check our “Case Studies” page where we provide two examples of the commitment we supply to our clients, or contact us to see how we can help your accommodation.